
Susmita's stove!

Hello people!

Welcome to my kitchen. I learnt, and am learning how to cook by watching and mostly doing. I want to share my experiences of cooking which means more than sharing recipes. I also want to read about your experiences.

My recipes are mostly very easy because that's how I like it :D
If I can cook so can anyone, and of any age!! I also believe in using some latest gadgets to keep cooking away or lessen the usage of oil.

My recipes are mainly for first timers and those who love to experiment. Even though I try to follow the traditional practices of cooking, I realise I always enjoy experimenting.

So read my smack and slurp blogs and tell me how you feel. Also if you happen to try any of my recipes, do not forget to tell me how they turned out!!

Happy finger licking,

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Egg Dosa wrap for lunch boxes

For kid’s lunch boxes;

Make a salad of;

Salad mix for Egg Dosa wrap

  1. Grated carrots.
  2. Finely chopped capsicum(bell pepper, red or yellow preferably).
  3. Finely chopped onions.
  4. Small pieces of tomato.
  5. Grated coconut.
  6. Some kishmish (raisins).
  7. Grated Beetroot. (Do not add this if your kid doesn’t like beetroot)
  8. Add 2 TSPs of mayonaise and mix well.
  9. Coriander leaves for garnishing.
  10. Squeeze one lemon on top.
  11. Take adequate portions and roll them into the egg dosa.(Recipe for egg dosa in the site)

Store some tomato sauce or pancake syrup in a small container.

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